Hi. My name is Rachel. I've been addicted for a little over six months now. My addiction is... (conflicted hesitation) ...the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I'm an official Twilighter. If anyone else wants to get their Twilight addiction out now, this is a safe space :)
Around New Years this year, my dad peeked into Jana's room and found both Jana and I engulfed in black hardcover novels. Several days later we could be found in the same place until we'd both completed Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. These novels are amazing! If you haven't read them by now, with all the hype that you've undoubtedly already heard, seriously... Read them!
I've been re-reading these books this week, which I never do
(because once I know a story it is sort of difficult for me to re-read it) but it's pulled me back into my hardcore addiction. I'm trying to be patient while waiting for Breaking Dawn to be released on August 2nd but it is very difficult. :) I am also very excited about the December 12th release of the film Twilight.
Here is a link to the preview of Twilight the movie!In honor of this blog and the connected addiction, I've posted a poll on my blog regarding who Bella Swan should end up with in the final book... The warm-hearted Jacob Black or the classic romantic Edward Cullen. I'm not going to lie... to me it seems SO clear!
EDWARD! I've heard some other points of view recently though and am curious to see what everyone thinks! Okay, I think I'm done rambling about my addiction... I just wanted to get that out there!
May I also suggest The Host by Stephenie Meyer? It was really good as well. :)
Here is a link to Stephenie Meyer's websiteThanks for listening to my ramblings! :)
PS. I heart Edward.
Okay, I'm really done now :)